American Smart Moving Services

Cras finibus commodo odio eu imperdiet proin enim erat elementum non mi mollis

September 6, 2020
LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 04: Drake attends the "Top Boy" UK Premiere at Hackney Picturehouse on September 04, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Suspendisse potenti. Nunc consequat cursus urna, non blandit massa dapibus eu. Suspendisse sit amet elit sed est vulputate aliquam ac vitae leo. Suspendisse posuere sem vehicula ante vulputate, vitae accumsan nisl varius. Sed accumsan nec augue id interdum. Suspendisse augue massa, feugiat quis tellus sagittis, tempor rutrum libero. Donec gravida nec quam eu sollicitudin. Nulla scelerisque orci lectus, vel pretium magna consequat at. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi laoreet interdum sem, eget interdum magna.

Integer sollicitudin ligula eu urna elementum ultrices. Vivamus sodales dui lectus, ut pretium turpis efficitur at. Nulla nec magna nulla. Mauris ut odio et nibh rutrum efficitur et ut tortor. Suspendisse erat lorem, rhoncus rutrum tempor non, ornare nec elit. Suspendisse in scelerisque erat. Duis non sapien eu libero consectetur convallis. Cras fermentum sapien eget libero malesuada ornare. Nunc accumsan egestas hendrerit. Vestibulum sed convallis velit. Vestibulum ut neque id urna ornare tempus. Donec maximus leo et nunc commodo maximus.

Quisque risus neque rutrum in ornare id varius eu orci Etiam id nisl aliquet

Nullam placerat odio ac sapien tincidunt venenatis. Curabitur elit tellus, fermentum id viverra id, porttitor porttitor orci. Proin luctus quis ipsum eu sagittis. Proin accumsan, magna eget tincidunt volutpat, erat nibh faucibus ex, quis convallis ligula purus sed dolor. Aliquam et varius quam. In mattis, tortor ut fringilla dignissim, lectus ex bibendum erat, id tempus quam neque a erat. Aenean aliquet erat at lectus vestibulum, aliquam tincidunt neque iaculis. Ut non ante non ipsum imperdiet bibendum. Nulla fermentum leo vitae purus feugiat, sed porta ligula luctus. Morbi massa sapien, faucibus eget arcu a, placerat tristique diam. Vestibulum condimentum mattis libero, lobortis tempor nulla vehicula sed. Mauris quis tortor massa. Phasellus viverra tempus velit vitae finibus. Morbi fringilla risus et odio fringilla, non congue libero maximus.

Aenean ac vestibulum libero, sed dictum metus. Proin suscipit est non facilisis luctus. Nulla volutpat aliquet consectetur. Etiam diam ipsum, lobortis eget semper a, semper eu velit. Aliquam bibendum, urna at condimentum ornare, nulla sapien hendrerit purus, in consequat eros dolor a nibh. Sed nec turpis et nisi commodo commodo eu ac justo. In ac lorem laoreet, vulputate sapien id, finibus ante. Nam interdum nunc at nunc volutpat, non vehicula nibh auctor. Praesent eget sem semper, malesuada quam finibus, fermentum ex. Donec quis leo euismod, dignissim massa a, interdum lorem. Nunc rhoncus turpis nec turpis mollis interdum. Nulla sodales eleifend risus vitae venenatis. Morbi nec metus vitae dolor laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis pharetra nulla non lobortis interdum.



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We count with the suitable tools and the vastly experienced staff that can take on the care and transport of any type of Piano, piece of Art, or a Safe.

Straps, specialty dollies, hand trucks, and a fully functional lift gate on our trucks ensure an expedited move of such items.

Please provide us with a detailed description to guarantee a prompt pricing proposal.

Types Of Pianos


We are pleased to assist our commercial customers locally and interstate.

Our trained professionals are always attentive to protect common areas using masonite board, assemble and disassemble desks and work stations, prepare and handle heavy filing cabinets, and adequately protect screens and monitors for transportation.

Our Insurance Agent is prompt to issue a COI -Certificate of Insurance- often requested by the building administration well in advance.


Residential and Office Moves on the East Coast and Midwest States are served year round, we highly recommend to schedule a visual assessment to better assist you with an accurate timeline and cost.

While we gladly assist Customers from the DC Tri-state area moving to a West Coast location, we require a minimum size and anticipation for planning and thorough execution. 

Please call or fill out a quote request form.

Request a Free Quote


Because of the versatile location of our warehouse, we can accommodate any regional move within 100 miles from DC and apply a convenient rate depending on the distance to travel.

We are in high demand for the Western Loudoun and West Virginia vicinities, which we have the pleasure to serve and admire for their breathtaking scenery.

Please call or request a quote with your origin and destination zip code for more information.


Residential and Office Moves within fifty miles from the heart of the IAD -International Airport of Dulles- are considered local and therefore hourly rated.  

Careful protection of wood and carpet flooring, doors, and walls are part of our top-notch service. It’s your home, and we treat it with the utmost respect.

Our minimum charge ranges between two and three hours of labor plus a one-time travel fee, and it includes furniture dis/assembly and placement under the Customer instructions.

We will make sure you have enough furniture set-up to spend the first day at the new home or office.

Areas We Serve

Map Of Washington


We specialize in quality protection of your furniture and possessions for Customers who pick to complete their packing on  their own. 

If you are still in the planning stage, we can still provide you with a personalized approximate cost for you to decide on the best option.  The more, the merrier!

If an item is too big for any box you find at your local hardware store, we’ll make you one! 

We utilize heavy duty padded blankets, shrink wrap and brown tape for an extra layer of defense on the items you so much cherish.  The dining table from Grandma or the delicate family’s Baby Grand are in good caring hands with American Smart.  

Please call or fill out this form for a prompt proposal.



Partial packing only is offered on move day and compliment your packing work, especially with kitchen and closets

Wardrobe boxes are a convenient choice for your hanging clothes, which make it faster to transport large closets and delicate clothing.

Quality packing supplies are conveniently provided as needed and only charged for what we use to finish up the packing task.


Full Service Packing is a handy option offered for local, interstate, move to storage, and office moves.

Upon a visual assessment, we propose an estimated total on your packing supplies bundle and packing help for your home or office move preparation. We fully pack you at least one day prior to the move to speed up the process and free up some time for you on move day.

We carefully protect with packing paper and sturdy boxes ALL OF YOUR ITEMS in your household or office to give you peace of mind and reassurance on the well being of every single item of your possessions.

Detailed Inventorying takes place on this day for Customers relocating Out of State.